Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lazy Blog Readers

Everyone is telling me that they are reading this, but no one is posting any comments. Get on it you fools! Thank you Bill for leading in the league in "Most Posted" at 3 comments.....


Anonymous said...

No bashing...we just got around to reading it for the first time, that's all!!

-RF & CW

Hilary said...

Why thank you for your patronage. Good to hear from you two for sure! I want to throw up from the KSU/KU game still, but was made a little more sane by Rachael's cartoon she sent to everyone with JJ know she wouldn't pick the fat guy in real life...seriously...that would make her nuts. He does have to use a special OT stick to wipe his A$$ like the one under the sink in the gym (I have good sources). Maybe he and JJ could get together and talk about Jayhawk football and special OT wiping techniques....