Monday, September 3, 2007

Forced March Through Hickory Knob Park

Instead of relaxing at home today, I talked Jake into heading about .5 an hour away to Hickory Knob State Park for a relaxing hike around part of the lake. 7.1 miles later he was pouring sweat and barely speaking to me. I was also pouring sweat and barely speaking to me. The dog was of course totally fine, although orange from getting in the lake and then rolling around in the red clay dirt. The dog is still orange after the bath, so I am wondering how long that will last. I apparently made a misjudgement regarding the topography of our new home, and Jake then pointed out that we could have just walked into Lindsborg from my mom and dad's farm for the same distance...I should definitely not be in charge of that again. Jake was actually awesome during the whole train wreck and deserves a lot of credit for not just shoving me in the lake at mile 5 and leaving. He actually says that he enjoyed it. We will see if I can talk him into going again....ever again.

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