Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My Inner Self?....

I decided last Tuesday that it was time that I tried to get into touch with my inner self or whatever, so I decided to go to a "Beginner's Yoga" class. The class was full of very nice people over the age of 50 who were very pleasant and eager to tell me stories of how much they enjoyed their yoga class. At that point I was pretty sure that it was going to be too easy for me and began to think about checking the schedule for the "real" yoga class. The teacher was a very pleasant lady over 50 who was wearing some sort of an outfit with lots of flowing fabric and some sort of windchime situation around her neck (which luckily came off before class started). The teacher took time to chat with me and give me an intro as to what would happen, all the time wearing a very supportive and pleasant smile. Then she pro ceded to beat me up in a way that I have never been beaten up before. I was falling over, sweating profusely, and swearing under my breath by the end of class. Who knew being a tree could be so hard? I am not sure how my inner self was afterwards, but wasn't really walking correctly until Saturday. However, I really enjoyed it. After telling other people how to exercise all day long at work it is sure nice to be able to turn your mind off and let someone else tell me how to exercise. I think I enjoy her sneaky, pacifist version of sadism. I will have to try some of that kind on my patients as opposed to the usual loud and scary sadism that I employ!


Bill said...

Swearing under my breath by the end of class

I'm shocked taht you were able to keep it under your breath. I was reading imagining the 50 year old women all staring as the youngin started swearing like a big ol' lady with a big ol' tatoo on her arm :)

Hilary said...

I was trying pretty hard to not ruin the experience for others. I was also afraid that if I offended them they would not call 911 when I got my chi stuck..