Friday, September 21, 2007

Nothing But Class...

So we are in the "nice" Piggly-Wiggly by the lake where the rich folks live when suddenly I smell cigarette smoke. I start looking around and notice that someone has just lit a cigarette and is smoking in the checkout line of the grocery store...not only that, but this particular character is also not wearing a shirt....or any shoes in the grocery store. He is also very irate as he is attempting to purchase a Mountain Dew but dropped his money through the conveyor belt somehow in the unmanned checkout line where he magically dreamt someone was going to check him out. After several minutes of watching this saga unfold the manager shows up and tells the man that he cannot smoke in the store. The man looks surprised and angered by this and walks out of the store muttering "asshole". He then returns without the cigarette (or shoes, or a shirt) and gets back into line. Another confrontation with the manager happens and the man finally gets his Mt. Dew and heads out the door. The manager walks behind us and mutters "F*&king redneck"....The manager's name tag said "Billy Bob" and he was wearing a plaid shirt and work boots... I love it here!


Bill said...

Hopefully Jake doesn't get any ideas about what is acceptable behaviour out there.

I also wanted to comment about the piggly wiggly being the place where all the rich people go shopping. That seemed kind of, well wrong.

Hilary said...

Yeah, it is a little un-nerving when your grocery store options include places like "Bi-Lo", "Food Lion", and "Piggly Wiggly". Especially when the one with the rankest name is the nicest one...