Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Absentee Blogger

My husband ran away with the working computer last Monday and left me with one he insisted was "just a little slow"...or maybe just a lot broken. However, I suppose then I am a testament to the fact that the world does continue to spin even though you cannot get to your hotmail...or see the latest Brittany video on You Tube. I should lie to you all and tell you that I read several books, discovered a cure for the bird flu, and located the Arc of the Covenant..or the truth, that I watched a whole lot of Law and Order re-runs punctuated by occasional ridiculous movie Jake hated or a new show with commercials intacted..UGH. Good lord how I miss the DVR. Cox cable was the biggest rip off in the world, but the DVR made it all worth it. Luckily now I have the 24 hour hunting channel. Now instead of watching commerials I can simply change to channel 31 and watch not only stalking of the prey, but the actual kill shot...I don't think they have that on tv in Kansas that I can remember.

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