Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What is "Soul Food" Anyway?

So tomorrow is October birthday celebration day and the theme is "soul food". I admittedly have no clue what that really means, and my co-workers informed me that it is what you eat on Sundays for dinner. I informed them I would be bringing a nice steak with a baked potato and some sort of veggie...apparently that is not right. After further instruction I am now making my sister Molly's famous creamed corn. One bag of corn, two sticks of cream cheese, half stick of butter, and 3 T of sugar...that should be southern enough hopefully... It is a tablespoon of butter short of a stroke so that should be about right. I have no clue how people eat this stuff down here and are not dead. It scares me that I am now the "healthy eater" in the group at work. They all seem fine, but I am minorly afraid they are all going to drop dead simultaneously of a stroke in the middle of the chicken finger, mac and cheese, green bean casserole, creamed corn, cornbread lunch tomorrow...

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