Saturday, October 13, 2007

Old Style and Pineapple

So the K-State game is on this evening. Weird, weird, weird as it is starting around 9:30 which is shortly before my very lame self goes to bed. Anyway, in celebration of the KSU game I got a hankering for a little "So Long Saloon" Old Style and Pineapple juice. Now that may sound like a rank combination, but I invite all of you out there to give it a try. Truly a delicious taste experience. And a really nice way to use up any additional crappy beer left around your house after a party/tailgate involving any of the Toll family who brought crappy beer and then drank your delicious beer (Molly and Matt know who you are). So Jake and I set out this afternoon to find some Old Style beer. You would think that would be something that would be available in a place that sells A LOT of "forties" in the grocery store/walmart and has a wide selection of different flavors of Milwaukee's Best (the beast). Incorrect unfortunately. Also unfortunate is the weird liquor laws in this state. You cannot advertise "liquor" they sneakily disguise what they are selling by saying "Package Store" or "Red Dot Store", which just means liquor store once you figure it out. For a while I just thought they shipped A TON of mail out of this place, taking "package store" to mean "UPS store/FedEx store". That would have been confusing when I went there with my mail. I think it is kinda like swearing in a foreign language, it still means the same thing and my mother informs me that it still counts as swearing....I still have to put money in the cuss bucket for it whether or not it is in English. The Package/Red Dot/Super secret liquor stores all have to close at sunset. Yep, could be 9 pm, could be 5 pm depending on the time of year. Furthermore to further dissuade you from becoming an alcoholic they hide these places in the WORST parts of town, or maybe it is just a considerate move by the county to make it easier for poor people without cars to get their drink on. I got so freaked out by the location that it kept me from going into the one place we did find. Think about that...a place so scary it kept me away from alcohol. Yep, pretty scary.
Anyway, I ultimately gave up on my search for Old Style and settled for Pabst's Blue Ribbon that you can find at any neighborhood Food Lion grocery store. I figure that PBR sounded equally rank and nasty and would do nicely. Jake Worcester the beer snob was so embarrassed to buy it that he made me carry it all over the store. However, ultimately all of the work and embarrassement and near death was worth it as I sit here sipping my lovely yellow concotion and cheering on the cats!

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