Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Betty Crocker Ain't Got Nothing On Me!

I am hanging out tonight baking cakes for work tomorrow. I have never had to bake multiple cakes for anywhere I have ever had to work, so this is fun. There is apparently a HUGE Halloween event every year at work called "Spooktacular" where all of the peds patients, kids from a shelter, and employee kids dress up and come trick or treating in our building. It is really a cool thing. Of course what is any good get together without a cake walk, so I am at home being Betty Crocker and getting ready to head to Hilton Head for the weekend. The pediatric therapists have been working on this deal forever and everyone gets really into it, which is especially cool since very few of us actually have any kids ourselves. I am talking fake spiderwebs on the weird hallway art every business has, spiders hanging from the ceiling, and apparently a haunted house springs up sometime overnight. A little out of control, but still a pretty good time. It is nice to take someone else's kids, sugar them up, and then send them home with their "real parents".

I really am appreciating the altruistic spirit of the hospital I work for. You are given a lot of opportunities to do some neat service activities because we are so much a part of the community since the area we serve is relatively small. It makes me happy. We also get to celebrate holidays. Apparently political correctness is totally optional down here as a bunch of people are dressing up for Halloween and there is already talk of a CHRISTMAS party..nope, not a HOLIDAY party, a CHRISTMAS party. That's what I am talking about.

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