Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Minor Toe Surgery

For those of you that know the saga of the ingrown toenail there is finally an end. For those of you that don't know about it, count yourselves lucky... I will have to see if I can figure out how to post pictures. It would be totally worth it. The toenail procedure is definitely the gnarliest thing I have paid someone else to do to me. I got it fixed yesterday afternoon in the sports clinic at work. It was a slow day with no one else to poke around on, so I asked the doctor and residents where I should go to get it done. Their eyes lit up like Christmas and they practically ran to get all of the necessary tools. I guess the ingrown toenail is a good draw. Lots a blood like surgery but very little risk... The doctor and resident that did it certainly had a good time and it was a nice learning experience for everyone. Especially my co-workers who came to ask me questions only to see my bloody foot all propped up with a bunch of people around it. "Sweet Jesus" was actually used! I really appreciated them fitting me in during work time and so far it has not falled off yet so YEAH! They rammed 2 Q-Tips full of Phenol (which smells freakishly like fermaldehyde) into the hole to kill the nail bed, then twisted it around for good measure. Pretty soon the black stuff should peel away and I will be good as new!

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