Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Airport and BBQ!

We took Jake’s parents to the Atlanta airport today. It was our first real chance to navigate the two lane highways as “short cuts”. Yeah. There is not a straight road here at any point, and there are 5 different ways to get everywhere. The trip to the airport was about 3 hours door to door, and since we were out of the house before 7 there really wasn’t any traffic. We were definitely sorry to see Jake’s parents go. They were really a tremendous help in this whole experience!

On the way home we stopped at a roadside BBQ joint called “Vanna Country BBQ” on Georgia Highway 17 that was absolutely fantastic. They are only open 11-9 on Fridays and Saturdays and it is in a big shack with red check tablecloths, plastic silverware on the tables in a bucket, and a whole loaf of white bread just sitting on each table. Jake was in total heaven! The beans and ribs were really great and they had some sort of “stew” with meat, corn, barley, and God knows what else. It was super. I really don’t want to know what else was in it. We left with a pound of ribs and a new respect for shacks on the side of the highway. Next time the folks are in town we are definitely making the drive…

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