Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Our Apartment- The Addendum

So as of tomorrow we have been in our apartment for two weeks. I would say that we are doing really well in getting everything going were it belongs except that would be a complete lie to my friends and family. Most of the reason not everything is in it's very own special place is that there is no very own special place for 2/3 of what we own. Our guest room is serving as the unpacking/repacking zone for boxes that need to be pared down and taken to the storage unit, not to mention the fact that we are going to have to dig into a couple of boxes already at the storage unit to find a few very necessary things that did not make it into the apartment the first the silverward holder (currently a large tupperware bin), the coffee pot (currently a saucepan on the stove), and my one missing large basket that matches the other basket under the coffee table. They are a pair for Pete's sake and it just doesn't look right if there are not two of them!

We also only have one "assigned" parking space. The rest of the parking is a free for all. I don't really enjoy that situation. I am getting to old to wake up in the morning and not remember where I have parked my car...because I had to park by the garbage bins and I can't see my car from my apartment. I am especially irate about it right now as new tenents moved in above us and they got 2 PARKING SPACES. They drive two expensive foreign cars with Benz in the name and one of them may have a mysterios flat tire one of these days.

The only other truly pathetic thing about the apartment is the total lack of straight runway for the dog. He is no longer able to get up to full steam while wildly running like he did in the Manhattan house. There are no stairs to wildly fly down, no wooden floors to skid across, and no more long stretches of open area to be totally insane. This leads to a lot of additional contact with objects and people which leads to a lot more broken wine glasses and nearly broken appendages. Actually it has forced us to be way better about taking him out for walks and bike rides. I have managed to con Jake into several of these activities as well. Do not tell him that it is actually exercise... We are getting a lot more of "hey mister, what kind of dog is that?"..."Can that dog really catch a frisbee", you should see people stand around to watch that. Ike isn't even that good. Not like he is jumping off of Jake's back or catching 10 frisbees at once. I guess he is really weird looking in the new world of coon hounds and bassett hounds, and I guess it would be pretty unusual to see a bassett hound try to catch a frisbee when I think about it....

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