Saturday, August 18, 2007

Wednesday - On to Nashville...

Lots and lots of driving to do today. Our goal is to make it to Jake’s Aunt Barb’s house by mid-afternoon. Jake and Dan drive that truck as fast as it will go (70 mph before the governer kicks in) and they never stop. Meanwhile, Sue and I like to drive 85 mph and then stop for ice cream and bathroom breaks so the guys can catch up! We almost totally missed a turn in downtown St. Louis and I thought I heard Sue swear…but then I realized that it was probably just the echo from me swearing. We did end up making it in one piece luckily. Ike got to sleep in the shed while we stayed inside at Jake’s Aunt Barb’s house. I don’t think he actually slept though as he is not into sleeping anywhere other than our bedroom and is not exactly into nature…

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