Monday, August 27, 2007

First Week of Work

Hey all! We are back in the swing of things now that we have been working for a full week! Work is going really well for me. I am getting to know all of the staff-at least 30 new folks in the department both inpatient and outpatient, and it is definitely a good challenge to work somewhere this big and this new! Everyone is very friendly and very helpful with all of my ridiculous questions. Today was my first full day in the outpatient clinic, and I was lost 3 times. I was told by several of my co-workers that it was very funny to watch me wander around. I suppose it is also funny to watch me drive around as I am lost basically all of the time. The lack of street signs and absence of any sort of straight road has made my navigational abilities more deficient than normal. That is very scary.

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